Security Team

What is the purpose of the Church Security Team?

The purpose of the Church Security Team is to ensure the safety and security of our parishioners, staff, and visitors during church services and events. We aim to create a welcoming and safe environment for worship and fellowship.

Who can join the Church Security Team?

Any member of our parish community who is willing to commit their time and effort to help with security measures can join the team. Volunteers must be at least 18 years old and pass a background check.

Will I be required to carry a firearm as a security team member?

Carrying a firearm is not a requirement to join the Church Security Team. Our primary focus is on observation, reporting, and de-escalation of potential conflicts. If you have a valid concealed carry permit and wish to carry a firearm, it will be subject to church policies and local laws. Additional training will be provided for those that with to carry a concealed firearm.

What are the responsibilities of a Church Security Team member?

Responsibilities may include:

  • Monitoring entrances and exits during services and events.
  • Assisting with crowd control and directing traffic.
  • Responding to and reporting any suspicious activity.
  • Providing assistance during medical emergencies.
  • Coordinating with local law enforcement if necessary.
Do I need special training to join the team?

How can I join the Church Security Team?